I write today as a common man who reluctantly enters the circus ring of political commentary. The ring already has a dozen clowns spouting Internet-driven memes, nonsense, lies, conspiracy theories and character assassinations. However, even though I might recite the wisest lines of Plato, alas, I am simply The 13th Clown. Knowing that, I continue, hoping that some truth escapes the ring.
Please, Joe, do not run for president in 2024.
You have served America admirably, and for many years. Your presidency steered the ship of state away from the shoals and your administration has accomplished many good things in spite of the nihilists who have taken the republican party hostage. However, the danger posed by autocratic wannabes yet looms.
Clearly, a second Trump presidency will end the democratic republic experiment but so would a DeSantis presidency. The Florida governor is a product of the voters who have been radicalized by the disinformation industry and Florida is a hot-house petri dish that grows this base. In fact, no Constitution-supporting, sane republican leader has a chance of being the 2024 nominee. The base won’t allow it. Therefore, 2024 is the pivot point between autocracy and democracy.
Granted, if Trump is the republican nominee, you would likely win a second term but so would any primary-toughened and qualified democrat. However, the current political winds are not filling Trump’s sails and DeSantis (or some other right-wing base-owned kook) will be more favored. Talk of Trump’s third-party strategy is premature, although it would be a gift-wrapped present for the country.
In any match-up between you and someone not named Trump, your age will be an anchor that you cannot ignore and the dimmed star of Vice President Harris will not provide cover for the issue. Replacing her for a second run would be seen as venal and would invite criticism about your approach to loyalty, from left and right. In this regard, you are in a corner.
The 13th Clown firmly believes that the democratic party, with your support and enthusiasm for the process, needs to conduct a presidential primary, elevating the talent and name-awareness of the younger generation of leaders in the party. This process should illustrate the dramatic difference between whatever goat rodeo the republicans promote, be it a ship of fools primary or a Trump coronation, and the democrats’ traditional process of vetting their bench. And, a democratic primary would scatter, thus weaken, republican talking points and character assassinations. Otherwise, you will be the piñata, defending your admirable record when voters are looking forward, not back.
Joe, you have devoted your professional life to serving America. Well done, sir. Handing the baton of leadership to a younger colleague would be a selfless and career affirming act that puts the country ahead of your own interests. It would be the very definition of patriotism.
As a fellow road-biker of a certain age, the Clown invites you come ride with me in the Hill Country of Texas, drink a cold one at the Devil’s Backbone Tavern, hear some live music in any number of venues, raft the Rio Grand in the Big Bend National Park and turn the ship of state over to a new captain. You have earned the time off.
Observoid of the Day: The Clown’s preferred pronouns are “geezer” and “old poop”.